The Phelps Community Historical Society was chartered in 1969 to collect and tell the history of Phelps. The Society Office is in the Howe House on Main Street. The Carriage House is behind the Howe and the Country Lawyer's Office is on Church Street. We gather information and artifacts then utilize our archives and collections in exhibits, programs, events, articles, and social media to tell the “Stories of Phelps.”
Phelps Community Historical Society
Office and Museum 66 Main St Phelps, NY 14532 Phone: 1-315-548-4940 Email: [email protected] Research Requests: [email protected] Tour and Rental Information: 1-315-548-4940 Facebook Instagram |
Hours of Operation:
The Howe House will be open by appointment only until March 5, 2025 when regular hours will resume. Call for an appointment - 315-548-4940 |
Complimentary Admission. Donations Greatly Appreciated.
Mission Statement
Board of Trustees
Mart VanKirk - President Ron Grube - Vice President, Historian Len Kataskas - Treasurer Sarah Landschoot - Secretary, Curator Billee Altman Rayne Hammond-Benz Gary Jones Dennis King Barry Lee Jane Pederson Cathy Scott Eileen Wegman |
Lynn White Administrative Assistant Holly Thoelke |
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2023 Annual Fund Drive
Business and Organization Donors
ARK Design Studio - TY & Kellie Allen
Big Oak Golf Course Denisi Flooring Elderlee, Inc. Generations Bank Henyo's Gooney Village James E. Cheney CPA Perfection Flooring-Stephen Steele Jr. |
Phelps American Legion Seeley B. Parish
Phelps Cement Products, Inc Phelps Hometown Pharmacy Phelps Mercantile, Inc Phelps Veterinary Hospital Steve's Electric Co. LLC Tri-County Excavating, Inc |
Community Donors
Christine Azzolino
Margaret Bentley Daniel & Elizabeth Biery Lynn & Don Bogart June Capooci Richard Ciciarell Charlotte & William Cooper/Devereaux George Corda Ned Feaster Angela Fera Diane Frazier Jonathan Gittens Summer Hanford Nick Harris James & Pamela Heffron |
Barbara Hildebrant
William Jensen Kirk Johnson Edward Kieda Margaret Lash Chris & Debbie Malchoff Leonard McCallum Martha McConnell Jeff & Cathy Melito (Anonymous) Network for Good Gerald Norsen Evelyn Pardington Walter & Dolores Phillips Carl Priebe John Raes |
Ronald & Pamela Raes
Jeanne Raymer Kathryn Rishel Robert Seago S. Christopher Springer Cathy Thurston James Tierson Sharon & Stephen Tobey Kathryn Tubbs Charles & Deidre Vanhooft Russell Welser Carol Williams Sandra & Roderick Witter Ronald & Pamela Wyjad Elkannah & Cathaline Young |
PCHS Member Donors
Pamela & Bill (Crump) Caroscio
Bob & Sandy Bankert Judith Beechler Rebecca Bennett John & Virginia Bourke Barbara Brennessel Chip Britting William Broomfield Cheryl Chester Dorothy & Gary Colvin Arlene Copeland Emme Cortelyou Doug Coston Jane Crosby Otis & Vivian Davis Marilyn DeRuyter Gail DeWeaver Bonnie Dixon Marion Donnelly Nancy Edington Peter & Jean Empson Janet Fremouw |
Robert & Diane Goodman
Joan Griswold Jack & BJ Hicks Dan & Dorothy Hurdle Kevin Kelley Virginia Konz Barry Lee Michael & Jeanne Leonard Roberta Leu Lois Main Richard & Josephine Marek Jean & Dick McDonald Ed McManus Elizabeth Meath Beth Newell Andrew Oaks John Parmelee Mary Peake Jane Pedersen Robert Pensworth Elanine and David Putnam |
Kathleen Quigley
Lucille Rockefeller Paul Salisbury Gib & Cathy Scott Muriel (Nickie) Shannon Bill and Barbara Smith Kenneth Sontheim Barbara Squires Tom & Margie Stallman Woody & Nancy Travis/Caves Marlene Treese Sue Van Camp Barbara Van Kirk Richard Ver Bridge Glen & Ann Webster C. Marty Weigel Doris Wells Roger & Shirley Westfall Spencer Westfall Shirley Wikiera Sherry Wilkes Tom Willson |