Mission, Constitution, and Bylaws
Mission Statement
The Phelps Community Historical Society exists to collect and tell the history of Phelps. We gather both information and artifacts then utilize our archives and collections in exhibits, programs, events, articles, and social media to tell the “Stories of Phelps.” |
Mission Statement
The Phelps Community Historical Society exists to collect and tell the stories of Phelps. |
Section 1 Name: This society shall be called the Phelps Community Historical Society (PCHS). Section 2 Objectives: The mission of the Phelps Community Historical Society is to inspire and enrich community memory by telling the stories of Phelps. The society encourages residents, visitors, and friends of the Phelps community to discover and preserve the past and to connect our local history, culture and heritage with contemporary life. Using traditional and new technologies, the Society will present history through internet resources, museum collections, archives, special exhibits, and programs. Section 3 Members: Any person interested in the objectives and pursuits of this Society may become a member upon payment of dues. Section 4 Officers: The officers shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Section 5 Trustees: The Board of Trustees shall consist of the President and 8-12 Trustees. The Town Historian and Museum Director shall serve in an advisory (non-voting) capacity only. The Trustees also will be assigned by the President to serve as chairpersons of such committees as deemed necessary by that officer. However, committee chairpersons shall not be limited to Trustees. Section 6 Annual meeting: The date, time, and venue of the Annual Meeting of the Phelps Community Historical Society will be determined by the Board of Trustees. The meeting, agenda, and proposed action requiring the Society’s approval will be announced to the members of the Society one month prior to the Annual meeting. Annual Meetings are to be within the township no later than April 30th. Elections: The President and Trustees shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Phelps Community Historical Society. Should the position be vacated between annual meetings, the Vice-President will assume the duties and responsibilities of President. Vacant Trustee positions shall be elected at the annual meeting. A Trustee position may be filled between the annual meetings by a two-thirds vote in a regularly scheduled trustee meeting. The Board of Trustees shall elect the rest of the officers (Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer) at the next Board meeting. A Nominating Committee, appointed by the President prior to the annual meeting, shall make nominations for the President and Trustees and this slate shall be presented to the Society members as a whole at the annual meeting. Any member in good standing may make nominations from the floor. Each Trustee shall be elected for a term of three years.* The Museum Director is appointed by the Board of Trustees for the Phelps Community Historical Society. The Town Historian is appointed by the Town Government. *To implement this three-year rotation, any newly elected Trustees, beginning in 2008, will serve for 3 years. Those Trustees returning to the Board will divide into two groups – one group to have their term end in 2008 and the other group to have their term end in 2009. Section 7 Amendments: This constitution and the by-laws of this Society may be amended at any regularly called meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, provided notice of the proposed amendments shall have been read at the regular preceding meeting. Section 8 Dissolution Provision: Upon dissolution of the organization, the governing body of the organization shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of the organization, dispose of all of the assets of the organization exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary or educational purposed, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals, or to such organizations organized and operated exclusively for one or more such purposes as shall at that time qualify as exempt organization under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or to the Federal government, a State or a local government for a public purpose. Section 9 Restrictive Legislation Provision: Bi substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be carrying on a propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Section 10 Added Restrictive Legislation Provision: No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to its members, trustees, directors, officers or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of section 501 (c) (3) purposes. Submitted to the Board November 2021 Approved by members February 11, 2022 |
Section 1 Name: This society shall be called the Phelps Community Historical Society (PCHS). Section 2 Objectives: The society encourages residents, visitors, and friends of the Phelps community to discover and preserve the past and to connect our local history, culture, and heritage with contemporary life. We gather both information and artifacts then utilize our archives and collections to tell the “Stories of Phelps.” Section 3 Members: Any person interested in the objectives and pursuits of this Society may become a member upon payment of dues. Section 4 Officers: The officers shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Section 5 Trustees: The Board of Trustees shall consist of the President and 8-12 Trustees. The Town Historian and Museum Director shall serve in an advisory (non-voting) capacity only. The Trustees also will be assigned by the President to serve as chairpersons of such committees as deemed necessary by that officer. However, committee chairpersons shall not be limited to Trustees. Section 6 Meetings:The date, time, and venue of any Meeting of the Phelps Community Historical Society membership will be determined by the Board of Trustees. The meeting, agenda, and proposed action requiring the Society’s approval will be announced to the members of the Society one month prior to any meeting. At all duly called meetings of the Society, a quorum for the transaction of any business of the Society shall consist of at least twenty-five members in good standing. Annual meeting: Annual Meetings are to be held within the township no later than April 30th. Special meeting:The Board of Trustees can vote to hold a Special Meeting of the Society whenever necessary. Elections: The President and Trustees shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Phelps Community Historical Society. Should the President vacate the position between annual meetings, the Vice-President will assume the duties and responsibilities of President. Vacant Trustee positions shall be elected at the Annual Meeting. A Trustee position may be filled between the Annual Meetings by a two-thirds vote in a regularly scheduled trustee meeting. The Board of Trustees shall elect the rest of the officers (Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer) at the next Board meeting. A Nominating Committee, appointed by the President prior to the annual meeting, shall make nominations for the President and Trustees and this slate shall be presented to the Society members as a whole at the annual meeting. Any member in good standing may make nominations from the floor. Each Trustee shall be elected for a term of three years. The Museum Director is appointed by the Board of Trustees for the Phelps Community Historical Society. The Town Historian is appointed by the Town Government. Section 7 Amendments: The constitution of the Society may be amended at any meeting of the Society by a two-thirds vote of the members present. Section 8 Dissolution Provision: Upon dissolution of the organization, the governing body of the organization shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of the organization, dispose of all of the assets of the organization exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary or educational purposed, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals, or to such organizations organized and operated exclusively for one or more such purposes as shall at that time qualify as exempt organization under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or to the Federal government, a State or a local government for a public purpose. Section 9 Restrictive Legislation Provision: Bi substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be carrying on a propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Section 10 Added Restrictive Legislation Provision: No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to its members, trustees, directors, officers or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of section 501 (c) (3) purposes. Proposed to the Board ________ |
PHELPS COMMUNITY HISTORICAL SOCIETY #1 - Meetings The Society shall hold its annual meeting the fourth Monday of January at such place in the township as the President shall designate and at such hour as the Secretary shall name in the notice of such meeting. At the request of the officers and trustees, special meetings of the Society shall be called on at least five days notice, upon request of any seven voting members or the Board of Trustees. #2 – Duties of the Officers The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society and meetings of the Board of Trustees. The President shall appoint all standing committees. The Vice-President in order, in the absence of the President, shall perform all duties of the President. The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of this Society and the Board of Trustees. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys of the Society and shall pay all bills as directed by the Board of Trustees and keep a record of the same. The Treasurer shall submit the books for audit annually as determined by the Board of Trustees. #3 – Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees, as a trust body, must establish a financial program which will ensure the receipt of sufficient funds annually to support the work of the Society and must authorize and support the Society’s annual budget. #4 – Dues The annual membership dues will be determined by the Board of Trustees. #5 – Quorum At all duly called meetings of the Society, a quorum for the transaction of any business of the Society shall consist of at least twenty-five members in good standing. At all duly called meetings of the Board of Trustees, a quorum for the transaction of any business shall consist of seven members in good standing. Submitted to Board November 2007 Approved by members January 28, 2008 |
#1 - Amending the By-Laws The Board of Trustees can amend the By-Laws. #2 – Duties of the Officers The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society and meetings of the Board of Trustees. The President shall appoint all standing committees. The Vice-President in order, in the absence of the President, shall perform all duties of the President. The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of this Society and the Board of Trustees. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys of the Society and shall pay all bills as directed by the Board of Trustees and keep a record of the same. The Treasurer shall submit the books for audit annually as determined by the Board of Trustees. #3 – Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees, as a trust body, must establish a financial program which will ensure the receipt of sufficient funds annually to support the work of the Society and must authorize and support the Society’s annual budget. #4 – Dues The annual membership dues will be determined by the Board of Trustees. #5 – Quorum At all duly called meetings of the Board of Trustees, a quorum for the transaction of any business shall consist of a majority of members in good standing. Submitted to Board _______________________ |